A slew of factors influences an options contract’s price. These factors can either hurt or help traders depending upon the kind of positions they choose to take. Successful and seasoned traders are aware of the factors that affect options pricing. These factors include the popular ‘greeks:’ a set of four risk measures named after Greek letters. Each of the letters individually affects how sensitive a particular options contract is to changes in implied volatility, time-value decay, and movement in the price of the security. These measures are therefore referred to as ‘vega,’ ‘theta,’ gamma,’ and ‘delta.’

Understanding Options Contracts

Before we dive into understanding options greeks, let’s address what the purpose of options contracts is, to begin with. The goal is to hedge a portfolio and offset any potentially unfavorable moves seen in other investments. One can also rely on options contracts to speculate on whether an asset’s price may rise or fall. In short, using a put option allows a holder to sell the underlying security at a predetermined price at some point in the future. Alternatively, a call option allows the trader to purchase a certain security at a predetermined price at some point in the future.

Options can be used such that they are converted into shares of the underlying asset at the predetermined price on the contract which is known as the strike price. Each options contract has an ending date known as its expiration date as well as a cost or value that is associated with its purchase known as its premium. The price of the option — its premium — is typically based on the options pricing model, like that by Black-Scholes, which eventually causes fluctuations in its premium. The four options greeks are often viewed in conjunction with the option’s price model so one can understand and gauge any associated risks.

Option Greeks Meaning

Now that we know the answer to what is an options greek, breaking down what each of the four options greeks signify is vital.

This blog will explore the key Option Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega and Rho. These factors affect the price of an option and therefore, if you are an option trader or aspiring to become one, a deep understanding of these is essential to successfully apply them.



Option Greeks Factors


1.     Delta


The first Greek is Delta, which quantifies how much an option's price is projected to fluctuate for every 1 that the underlying securities or index changes in price. A Delta of 0.50, for example, indicates that the option's price will fluctuate 0.50 for every 1 movement in the price of the underlying stock or index.


Call options have a positive Delta since the value of a call option increases with an increase in the price of the underlying asset. Similarly put options have a negative Delta since the value of a put option decreases with an increase in the price of the underlying asset and vice-versa. 


The value of Delta oscillates between 0 and 1 for a call option and between -1 to 0 for a put option. The value of Delta for an At-The-Money (ATM) option is usually close to 0.5 for a call option and -0.5 for a put option.


Now, the value of Delta approaches 1 or -1 as the moniness of the call or put option increases respectively. Deep in the money call options have a Delta close to 1 and deep in the money put options close to -1 since the price of a deep in the money option seeks to behave almost exactly as the underlying asset. Similarly, out of the money options have Delta close to 0 since there is a very high probability of such options to expire worthless.


As we get closer to expiry, the Delta of options tends to 0 because the time remaining for any significant move in the underlying asset tends to 0.



2.     Gamma


Assuming the underlying asset  to be displacement, delta is speed and gamma is acceleration. The first derivative of the underlying asset (w.r.t. time) gives us delta and the second derivative of the underlying asset (w.r.t. time) gives us gamma or the first derivative of delta (w.r.t. time) gives us gamma.


Delta is only accurate at a specific price and at a specific moment. The Delta in the previous example is no longer 0.50 once the stock has moved 1 and the option has moved 0.50. As previously indicated, a 1 move would push a call option farther into the money, bringing the Delta closer to 1.00.


Assume that the Delta is now 0.6. This is a 0.1 increase in Delta from 0.50 to 0.60. In this case, the options gamma would be 0.1. Now, if the stock moves further more into the money, the delta will tend to 1 but at a decreasing rate, so essentially the gamma would decrease slowly so as to make the delta tend to 1 but not exceed 1.


3.     Theta 


Theta is the option buyer’s biggest enemy and an option seller’s best friend. Theta is a measure of the time decay prevalent in options. The time component is as important as the price of the underlying asset as a factor in the determination of an option’s fair value.


Theta is not linear in nature, it increases significantly as the option approaches expiry. Intuitively, it can be seen that as the time to expiry decreases, the time available for the underlying asset to make any sort of big moves decreases, this increases theta and the price of the option decreases. This is one of the primary reasons that most of the options end up expiring worthless and most of the option buyers end up losing their money.


4.     Vega 


Apart from the price movement of the underlying asset and time, volatility is an extremely important factor that influences the price of an option. Vega takes into consideration this measure and even though it is not an actual greek letter, it is an important and widely-used greek in option trading.


The rate of change in an option's price per 1% change in the implied volatility of the underlying stock is measured by Vega. Since, an increase in volatility enables the underlying asset to make wide swings, this is factored into the price of an option through Vega.


A decrease in Vega causes both call and put options to lose value, while a rise in Vega causes both call and put options to gain value.


Generally speaking, it is a good idea to buy options when Vega is below the normal levels and it is a good idea to sell options when Vega is above the normal levels. This is because any contrary change in Vega will cause the respective party good gains. This is essentially a contrarian strategy in its most basic form and is generally used along with a variety of other tools.





Final Note


This blog discussed the  Option Greeks- Delta, Gamma, Theta. In order to profitably trade in the Options markets these fundamental tools are a very big assistance available to the Option traders. 


Option Greeks are calculated using the data available in the option chain which is provided by the exchanges. Once armed with the Greeks, an options trader can make more informed decisions about which options to trade, and when to trade them.



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